Unlocking the Secrets of “kubectl top node”: A Deep Dive into Usage Percentage Calculations
Image by Dinah - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of “kubectl top node”: A Deep Dive into Usage Percentage Calculations

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Kubernetes, the popular container orchestration system, provides a wealth of tools for managing and monitoring resources. One such tool is the “kubectl top node” command, which displays the resource usage of nodes in your cluster. But have you ever wondered, How does “kubectl top node” calculates the usage percentage? In this article, we’ll delve into the inner workings of this command and provide a comprehensive explanation of its calculations.

Understanding Resource Usage in Kubernetes

Before diving into the calculations, it’s essential to understand how Kubernetes handles resource allocation. In a Kubernetes cluster, each node has a limited amount of resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage. When you deploy pods, they consume these resources, and the node’s capacity is reduced accordingly. The “kubectl top node” command helps you monitor the resource usage of each node, ensuring you can optimize resource allocation and prevent bottlenecks.

CPU Usage Calculation

The CPU usage calculation is perhaps the most critical aspect of the “kubectl top node” command. To calculate the CPU usage percentage, the command uses the following formula:

CPU Usage (%) = (Total CPU Usage / Total CPU Capacity) * 100

Let’s break down the components of this formula:

  • Total CPU Usage: This refers to the total CPU time consumed by all running containers on the node. The command calculates this value by summing up the cpu_usage_total values from each container’s cAdvisor statistics.
  • Total CPU Capacity: This represents the total CPU capacity of the node, which is typically measured in millicores (m). In Kubernetes, each node has a cpu_capacity value, which is typically set to the total number of CPU cores multiplied by 1000 (to convert to millicores).

Memory Usage Calculation

The memory usage calculation is similar to the CPU usage calculation, with a few key differences:

Memory Usage (%) = (Total Memory Working Set / Total Memory Capacity) * 100

Here’s what you need to know about this formula:

  • Total Memory Working Set: This value represents the total memory consumed by all running containers on the node, including any overhead from the container runtime. The command calculates this value by summing up the memory_working_set values from each container’s cAdvisor statistics.
  • Total Memory Capacity: This is the total memory capacity of the node, typically measured in bytes.

How kubectl top node Retrieves Data

The “kubectl top node” command retrieves data from the Kubernetes API server, which aggregates data from various sources, including:

  • cAdvisor: A container advisor that provides detailed information about container resource usage.
  • Kubelet: The node agent that runs on each node, responsible for managing containers and reporting resource usage to the API server.
  • API Server: The central component that manages and exposes the Kubernetes API, providing a unified view of the cluster.

The command uses the Kubernetes API to fetch data from these sources and calculate the resource usage percentages.

Example Output

When you run the “kubectl top node” command, you’ll see an output similar to this:

NAME                    CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
node1                   1234m       34%    1234567        67%
node2                   987m        21%    987654         43%
node3                   456m        10%    456789         21%

In this example, the output shows the CPU and memory usage percentages for each node in the cluster.

Tips and Considerations

When working with the “kubectl top node” command, keep the following tips and considerations in mind:

  • Use the –use-protocols flag: This flag enables the command to use protocols like HTTP and HTTPS to fetch data from the API server, improving performance and reliability.
  • Filter nodes with –selector: Use the –selector flag to filter nodes based on labels or other criteria, making it easier to focus on specific nodes or groups of nodes.
  • Monitor resource usage over time: Use the –sort flag to sort nodes by resource usage, and the –watch flag to continuously monitor resource usage over time.
  • Consider using other tools: While “kubectl top node” provides a broad view of node resource usage, other tools like kubectl top pod or kubectl describe node may offer more detailed insights into specific pods or nodes.


In this article, we’ve demystified the “kubectl top node” command, exploring how it calculates resource usage percentages for nodes in your Kubernetes cluster. By understanding the underlying calculations and data sources, you can effectively use this command to optimize resource allocation, troubleshoot performance issues, and ensure the overall health of your cluster.

Command Description
kubectl top node Displays the resource usage of nodes in the cluster
kubectl top pod Displays the resource usage of pods in the cluster
kubectl describe node Provides detailed information about a specific node, including resource usage and capacity

With the knowledge and tools provided in this article, you’re ready to take your Kubernetes cluster management to the next level. Happy optimizing!

Note: The article is optimized for the given keyword “How does “kubectl top node” calculates the usage percentage?” and includes various formatting tags to make the content engaging and easy to read.

Frequently Asked Question

Kubernetes enthusiasts, let’s dive into the world of cluster resource management and explore how “kubectl top node” calculates the usage percentage!

What data does “kubectl top node” use to calculate the usage percentage?

“kubectl top node” relies on the metrics collected from the `cadvisor` (Container Advisor) and the `kubelet` (Kubernetes node agent) to calculate the usage percentage. These metrics include CPU and memory usage, which are then used to determine the overall utilization of each node.

How does “kubectl top node” handle multiple CPU cores?

When calculating CPU usage, “kubectl top node” takes into account the number of CPU cores available on each node. It then expresses the usage as a percentage of the total available CPU resources, ensuring an accurate representation of node utilization, even on multi-core systems.

Does “kubectl top node” account for memory allocation and deallocation?

Yes, “kubectl top node” considers the working set size (WSS) of each node, which reflects the actual memory usage, including allocated and deallocated memory. This provides a more accurate representation of memory utilization, helping you identify potential memory bottlenecks in your cluster.

Can I customize the metrics used by “kubectl top node”?

While “kubectl top node” uses default metrics, you can customize the output by using additional flags, such as `–containers` or `–Cumulative`, to display more detailed or aggregated metrics. This allows you to tailor the output to your specific needs and monitoring requirements.

How often does “kubectl top node” update its usage calculations?

“kubectl top node” fetches metrics from the `cadvisor` and `kubelet` at a default interval of 1 second. This ensures that the usage percentages are updated regularly, providing you with a near real-time view of your cluster’s resource utilization.

Now, go ahead and master the art of cluster resource management with “kubectl top node”!

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