Combine Parent ID and All Child IDs in an Array in a Single Row using Recursive CTE
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Combine Parent ID and All Child IDs in an Array in a Single Row using Recursive CTE

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Are you tired of dealing with hierarchical data and struggling to combine parent IDs with their corresponding child IDs in a single row? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll explore the magic of recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs) and show you how to achieve this feat with ease.

What are Recursive CTEs?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what recursive CTEs are. A recursive CTE is a type of CTE that allows you to reference itself in the definition, enabling you to recursively query hierarchical data. This powerful feature is supported by most modern databases, including SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.

Benefits of Recursive CTEs

So, why should you care about recursive CTEs? Here are some benefits:

  • Efficient querying of hierarchical data: Recursive CTEs allow you to query hierarchical data in a single statement, eliminating the need for complex joins or iterative processing.
  • Improved performance: By avoiding multiple queries or iteration, recursive CTEs can significantly improve performance, especially for large datasets.
  • Simplified code: Recursive CTEs often result in cleaner, more readable code, making maintenance and debugging a breeze.

The Problem: Combining Parent ID and Child IDs in a Single Row

Now, let’s get to the problem at hand. Suppose we have a table called `categories` with the following structure:

ID Parent ID Name
1 NULL Root Category
2 1 Subcategory 1
3 1 Subcategory 2
4 2 Sub-subcategory 1
5 3 Sub-subcategory 2

Our goal is to combine each parent ID with its corresponding child IDs in a single row, like this:

ID Child IDs
1 [2, 3]
2 [4]
3 [5]

The Solution: Recursive CTE to the Rescue!

Here’s the magic part! Using a recursive CTE, we can achieve our goal in a single statement. Let’s break it down step by step:

Step 1: Define the Anchor Query

The anchor query defines the starting point for our recursive CTE. In this case, we’ll select the parent IDs and their corresponding child IDs:

WITH RECURSIVE category_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT id, parent_id, [id] AS child_ids
  FROM categories
  WHERE parent_id IS NULL  -- anchor query

Step 2: Define the Recursive Query

The recursive query joins the categories table with the CTE, selecting the parent ID and concatenating the child IDs:

  SELECT, c.parent_id, h.child_ids + []
  FROM categories c
  INNER JOIN category_hierarchy h ON c.parent_id =

Step 3: Combine the Results

Finally, we’ll use the `STRING_AGG` function (or equivalent) to combine the child IDs into a single array:

SELECT id, STRING_AGG(DISTINCT child_ids, ',') AS child_ids
FROM category_hierarchy

Putting it All Together

Here’s the complete solution:

WITH RECURSIVE category_hierarchy AS (
  SELECT id, parent_id, [id] AS child_ids
  FROM categories
  WHERE parent_id IS NULL  -- anchor query


  SELECT, c.parent_id, h.child_ids + []
  FROM categories c
  INNER JOIN category_hierarchy h ON c.parent_id =
SELECT id, STRING_AGG(DISTINCT child_ids, ',') AS child_ids
FROM category_hierarchy

Run this query against your `categories` table, and voilà! You should see the desired output, with each parent ID combined with its corresponding child IDs in a single row.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated the power of recursive CTEs in combining parent IDs with their corresponding child IDs in a single row. By breaking down the problem into smaller, manageable pieces, we’ve shown how to write a clear, efficient, and maintainable solution using recursive CTEs.

Remember, recursive CTEs are a powerful tool in your SQL toolkit, and with practice, you can tackle even the most complex hierarchical data challenges.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your burning questions about combining parent id and all child ids in an array in a single row using recursive CTE!

Can I use a recursive CTE to combine parent id and all child ids in an array in a single row?

Yes, you can! A recursive CTE is perfect for this task. You can use a recursive CTE to traverse the hierarchical data and combine the parent id and all child ids in an array in a single row.

How do I write the recursive CTE to achieve this?

You can write a recursive CTE using the following syntax: `WITH RECURSIVE cte AS (SELECT parent_id, id, ARRAY[id] AS child_ids FROM table WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT t.parent_id,, cte.child_ids || FROM table t JOIN cte ON t.parent_id = SELECT * FROM cte;`. This will give you a single row with the parent id and all child ids in an array.

What if I have multiple levels of hierarchy in my data?

No problem! The recursive CTE can handle multiple levels of hierarchy. Just make sure to adjust the join condition to match the parent-child relationship in your data. The recursive CTE will traverse the hierarchy and combine all the child ids in an array, regardless of the number of levels.

Can I use this approach with other database management systems?

While the syntax may vary, the concept of recursive CTEs is supported by many database management systems, including PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and Oracle. You can adapt the syntax to fit your specific database system and achieve the same result.

What if I have a large dataset – will the recursive CTE be efficient?

Recursive CTEs can be efficient, but it depends on the size of your dataset and the complexity of the hierarchy. Make sure to optimize your query, use indexes, and consider using other techniques like iterative sets or window functions if the recursive CTE becomes too slow. Testing and tuning are key to achieving good performance.