Mastering Templating: Get Template Name from Variable and Run Template
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Mastering Templating: Get Template Name from Variable and Run Template

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Templating is an essential aspect of web development, allowing you to create reusable and modular code. One of the most powerful features of templating is the ability to get a template name from a variable and run it dynamically. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of templating and explore the magic of getting a template name from a variable and running it.

What is Templating?

Templating is a technique used to separate the presentation layer of an application from the business logic. It allows you to define a template, which is a reusable component that can be used to generate HTML, CSS, or any other type of content. Templating engines, such as Handlebars, Mustache, or Twig, provide a way to render templates with dynamic data.

Why Use Templating?

Templating offers several benefits, including:

  • Separation of Concerns: Templating helps to separate the presentation layer from the business logic, making it easier to maintain and update your application.
  • Reusability: Templates can be reused across the application, reducing code duplication and increasing efficiency.
  • Flexibility: Templating engines provide a way to render templates with dynamic data, allowing for endless possibilities in terms of design and layout.

Getting Template Name from a Variable

To get a template name from a variable, you’ll need to store the template name in a variable or an object. This variable can then be used to render the corresponding template. Here’s an example using Handlebars:

// Define a variable to store the template name
let templateName = 'myTemplate';

// Define an object to store the template data
let data = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30

// Render the template
let template = Handlebars.compile('{{name}} is {{age}}');
let output = template(data);

// Get the template name from the variable
let templateHTML = Handlebars.partials[templateName];

// Render the template with the variable
let result = templateHTML(data);

In this example, we define a variable `templateName` to store the template name, and an object `data` to store the template data. We then use Handlebars to compile the template and render it with the data. Finally, we get the template name from the variable and render it again using the `partials` property.

Running a Template with a Variable

Once you have the template name from a variable, you can run the template using the templating engine. Here’s an example using Mustache:

// Define a variable to store the template name
let templateName = 'myTemplate';

// Define an object to store the template data
let data = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30

// Get the template from the variable
let template = Mustache.templates[templateName];

// Render the template with the data
let output = template.render(data);


In this example, we define a variable `templateName` to store the template name, and an object `data` to store the template data. We then use Mustache to get the template from the variable and render it with the data.

Templating Engines

Templating engines are the heart of templating. They provide a way to render templates with dynamic data. Here are some popular templating engines:

Templating Engine Description
Handlebars A popular templating engine for JavaScript, known for its simplicity and flexibility.
Mustache A logic-less templating engine that allows for easy template rendering with dynamic data.
A templating engine for PHP, known for its flexibility and extensive feature set.

Best Practices

When working with templating, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure maintainability, scalability, and performance. Here are some tips:

  1. Keep templates organized: Keep your templates organized in a separate directory or module, making it easy to maintain and update them.
  2. Use meaningful variable names: Use meaningful variable names to make your code easy to read and understand.
  3. Avoid complex logic in templates: Keep your templates simple and avoid complex logic, which can make them harder to maintain and debug.
  4. Use caching: Use caching to improve performance, especially in production environments.

Common Scenarios

In this section, we’ll explore some common scenarios where getting a template name from a variable and running it is particularly useful:

Dynamic Layouts

In dynamic layouts, you may need to render different templates based on user input or application state. For example, you can store the template name in a variable and render it based on the user’s selection:

let templateName = 'template_' + userInput;
let template = Handlebars.compile('{{name}}');
let output = template({ name: 'John Doe' });

Multi-Step Forms

In multi-step forms, you may need to render different templates based on the user’s progress. For example, you can store the template name in a variable and render it based on the current step:

let step = 1;
let templateName = 'step_' + step;
let template = Handlebars.compile('{{question}}');
let output = template({ question: 'What is your name?' });

Dynamic Content

In dynamic content scenarios, you may need to render different templates based on user preferences or application state. For example, you can store the template name in a variable and render it based on the user’s preferences:

let userPreference = 'dark_mode';
let templateName = userPreference + '_template';
let template = Handlebars.compile('{{header}}');
let output = template({ header: 'Dark Mode Header' });


In this article, we’ve explored the world of templating and learned how to get a template name from a variable and run it using popular templating engines like Handlebars and Mustache. We’ve also covered best practices, common scenarios, and the benefits of templating. By following these guidelines and using templating engines effectively, you can create reusable, modular, and maintainable code that scales with your application.

Remember, templating is a powerful tool in web development, and with great power comes great responsibility. Use it wisely, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Templating like a pro! Here are some answers to your burning questions about getting template names from variables and running templates.

Can I dynamically get a template name from a variable?

Absolutely! You can use a variable to store the template name and then pass it to the template engine. Most template engines, like Handlebars or Mustache, allow you to do this. Just make sure to follow the engine’s syntax and guidelines.

How do I pass a variable to a template in a programming language like JavaScript or Python?

In JavaScript, you can pass a variable to a template by using a template engine like Handlebars. You’ll need to register the template, then pass the variable as an object to the template function. In Python, you can use a template engine like Jinja2, which allows you to pass variables as a dictionary to the template.render() method.

Can I use a template variable to include another template?

Yes, this is a common technique! Many template engines support template inheritance or partials, which allow you to include another template within a template. You can use a variable to store the name of the included template and then pass it to the template engine.

How do I avoid template name collisions when using dynamic template names?

To avoid collisions, use a namespace or prefix for your dynamic template names. This ensures that template names from different sources or modules don’t conflict with each other. You can also use a template registry or a map to keep track of template names and their corresponding implementations.

What are the security implications of using dynamic template names?

When using dynamic template names, be mindful of security risks like template injection attacks. Make sure to validate and sanitize user-input template names to prevent malicious template execution. Additionally, use secure template engines and follow best practices for template management to minimize potential vulnerabilities.

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