Nuxt3: Hydration class mismatch on ssr when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously – A Comprehensive Guide
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Nuxt3: Hydration class mismatch on ssr when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously – A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Hydration class mismatch” error when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously in your Nuxt3 project? You’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, especially when you’re trying to create a seamless user experience. But fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this issue and emerge victorious on the other side.

What is the Hydration class mismatch error?

The Hydration class mismatch error occurs when the server-side rendered (SSR) HTML doesn’t match the client-side rendered HTML. This mismatch happens when the initial HTML generated by the server doesn’t contain the same classes or attributes as the HTML generated by the client-side JavaScript. In the context of NuxtLinks, this error is often triggered when loading links asynchronously.

Why does this error occur?

There are several reasons why the Hydration class mismatch error might occur when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously:

  • Mismatched HTML structure: The server-side and client-side HTML structures might not match, leading to a mismatch in classes or attributes.

  • Async loading: When NuxtLinks are loaded asynchronously, the client-side JavaScript might not have finished rendering the HTML elements, resulting in a mismatch.

  • Incorrect usage of NuxtLink:Incorrect usage of NuxtLink, such as using it as a wrapper around other elements, can lead to this error.

How to fix the Hydration class mismatch error

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some solutions to help you overcome the Hydration class mismatch error when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously:

Solution 1: Use the nuxt-link component correctly

Make sure you’re using the nuxt-link component correctly. Avoid using it as a wrapper around other elements. Instead, use it as a self-closing tag:

<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'about' }"></nuxt-link>


<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'about' }" />

Solution 2: Use the hydrated attribute

Add the hydrated attribute to your nuxt-link component:

<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'about' }" :hydrated="true" />

This attribute tells Nuxt to wait until the client-side JavaScript has finished rendering the HTML elements before hydrating the component.

Solution 3: Use a wrapper component

Create a wrapper component around your nuxt-link component:

    <nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'about' }" />

export default {
  async mounted() {
    // Wait for the client-side JavaScript to finish rendering
    await this.$nextTick()

This wrapper component ensures that the client-side JavaScript has finished rendering the HTML elements before hydrating the component.

Solution 4: Use the ssr:false option

Set the ssr option to false for the specific page or component:

export default {
  ssr: false

This tells Nuxt not to perform server-side rendering for that specific page or component, which can help avoid the Hydration class mismatch error.

Solution 5: Use a custom nuxt-link component

Create a custom nuxt-link component that takes care of the hydration process:

  <a :href="to" @click.prevent="navigate">{{ text }}</a>

import { inject } from 'nuxt/composition-api'
import { useRouter } from 'nuxt/utils'

export default {
  props: {
    to: {
      type: String,
      required: true
    text: {
      type: String,
      required: true
  setup(props) {
    const router = useRouter()
    const navigate = () => {
    return {

This custom component takes care of the navigation and ensures that the client-side JavaScript has finished rendering the HTML elements before hydrating the component.


In conclusion, the Hydration class mismatch error when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously can be a frustrating issue, but with these solutions, you should be able to overcome it. Remember to use the nuxt-link component correctly, add the hydrated attribute, use a wrapper component, set ssr:false, or create a custom nuxt-link component. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a seamless user experience for your Nuxt3 project.

Solution Description
Use the nuxt-link component correctly Use the nuxt-link component as a self-closing tag.
Use the hydrated attribute Add the hydrated attribute to your nuxt-link component.
Use a wrapper component Create a wrapper component around your nuxt-link component.
Use the ssr:false option Set the ssr option to false for the specific page or component.
Use a custom nuxt-link component Create a custom nuxt-link component that takes care of the hydration process.

By following these solutions, you’ll be able to fix the Hydration class mismatch error and create a better user experience for your Nuxt3 project. Happy coding!

  1. Remember to use the nuxt-link component correctly.

  2. Try adding the hydrated attribute to your nuxt-link component.

  3. Create a wrapper component around your nuxt-link component.

  4. Set the ssr option to false for the specific page or component.

  5. Create a custom nuxt-link component that takes care of the hydration process.

Don’t let the Hydration class mismatch error hold you back from creating an amazing Nuxt3 project. With these solutions, you’ll be able to overcome this error and create a seamless user experience for your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Nuxt 3 hydration class mismatch on SSR when loading NuxtLinks asynchronously!

What is a hydration class mismatch in Nuxt 3?

Ah-ha! A hydration class mismatch occurs when there’s a discrepancy between the classes generated on the server-side (SSR) and the client-side (CSR) when using NuxtLinks asynchronously. It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole!

Why do hydration class mismatches happen with NuxtLinks?

Hydration class mismatches with NuxtLinks occur because the server-side rendering (SSR) generates HTML with different class names than the client-side rendering (CSR). This is due to the way Nuxt 3 handles async loading of components. It’s like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces!

How can I troubleshoot hydration class mismatches in Nuxt 3?

To troubleshoot, inspect the HTML generated on both the server-side and client-side, and compare the class names. You can also check the Nuxt 3 dev tools or the browser console for any errors. It’s like detective work – follow the clues to solve the mystery!

Is there a way to prevent hydration class mismatches in Nuxt 3?

Yes! To prevent hydration class mismatches, make sure to use the same class names on both the server-side and client-side. You can also use the `hydrate` option in your Nuxt 3 config to customize the hydration process. It’s like having a plan B – a safety net to catch any errors!

Are there any workarounds for hydration class mismatches in Nuxt 3?

If all else fails, you can try using a workaround like using a different class name for the server-side and client-side, or using a library like `nuxt-optimized-images` to help with image optimization. It’s like having a backup plan – a safety net to fall back on!